New ROAM MLS Updates Coming Soon!

ROAM Rules Launch February 15th!


Updates to the MLS fine schedule

MLS rule violations are now classed as Minor, Moderate, and Severe. Each class has their own fine schedule. Details can be found in the ROAM MLS Violation & Fine Categories Doc.


Section 1

In addition to the three business day s from all seller signatures and one business day from publicly marketing. Listings must be input within 1 hour of being input into another MLS.

Commercial and Rental properties are not required to be input


Section 1.2 C – Minor

Residential and Multi Family properties (excluding properties under construction, to be built and vacant land)  must have a minimum of 5 photos upon entry and include a front elevation, kitchen, and bathrooms.

Commercial and Lease properties (excluding properties that are under construction, to be built and vacant land) should include a minimum of one (1) photo on each listed property upon entry.


Section 1.2 D – Severe

PDDs must be submitted within 3 days of listing entry


Section 2.5

Reporting sales to the MLS must occur must be done within 1 business day after they have occurred.


Click here to view the MLS Fine Schedule

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